Book Talks and School Visits

I offer virtual and (when possible) in-person book talks and school visits for educators, parents, and young people, mostly primary and middle school ages. 

My work focuses on talking about sexuality and reproduction in a way that includes all kinds of families, and that is inclusive of all kinds of gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, and sexual identity.

Because I am most interested in the needs of the people in the room, I don’t have a pre-packaged talk that I show up, give, and leave.  We might talk about bodies and identity,  boundaries and consent, pornography and relationships, and more.


I facilitate workshops and lead pre-conference trainings on a variety of topics related to sexuality education geared to teachers, early childhood educators, child and youth service providers, librarians, mental health professionals, and more.

Most of my teaching is through ANTE UP! but if you are looking for something specific, feel free to contact me.

Across topics my focus is on how all service providers can make their work more inclusive, especially in terms of disability and gender. ally in terms of disability and gender.

Teaching and Curriculum Consultations

I have developed and taught curriculum for professional organizations and groups of all sizes on a wide range of topics related to sexual development, gender diversity, disability, sexuality, and access and inclusion.

When it's appropriate I teach alone, but I prefer to team-teach as I find bringing diverse and complimentary perspectives into the classroom and training room results in a richer, and more nuanced experience for trainees and students.  My work is guided by and deeply grounded in the principles of disability justice.

Most of my consulting work is now done through ANTE UP! in collaboration with it’s founder, Bianca I Laureano.